Life Bible Institute


John 8:31-32 "Then Jesus said to those Jews which believed on Him, If ye continue in my Word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." At Abundant Life we accept the responsibility for more than just to be guardians of truth. We recognize our assignment to be perpetrators of truth by preparing and training others in ministry.


Covenant Partner Class (New members)

Purpose: All New Members are required to participate in a set of classes to learn:

  1. How to Connect with the vision?
  2. How to Grow with the vision?
  3. How to Discover the Spiritual Gift?
  4. How to Team up with the vision?

Classes will be taught the 2nd Saturday of each month

Discipleship 201 Class

Purpose: To learn basic Bible doctrine, practical tips on how to live your new life in Christ, insight into a stronger relationship not only with God but also our Church.

12 Dynamic classes taught the 2nd Sunday of Each month


Life Bible Institute Course:

Purpose Life Bible Institute trains and equips students that will make a greater impact on the world for Christ. God has called you, He will equip you. Our Part is to enhance your effectiveness by emphasizing the Spirit controlled life that enables students to walk in honesty, truth and integrity. We give students the opportunity to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, which is the character of God.

Classes are taught on Saturday and Tuesday

Course Titles:

Developing a Spirit of Excellence

Ministerial Integrity

The Parable of Jesus

The Blood Covenant


Body Fitly Joined Together

Developing Strong Church Families

Leadership Church Government

Practical Ministry

Understanding Love and Unity